Thursday, February 22, 2007

Silhouette drawings

I know the whole drawing from silhouette to fully developed charecters is kind of a hollywood gimmic right now, but it realy helps in trying to find a realy unique look to your charecter that you would never have got without. I realy like the final result on every one I have done so far.


Rob James said...

I know, I'll use blowfish for the airgun that my skillful huntsmaster will use. I wish you could've put these in the stizzudent show. You'da pwned all the art noobs.

Marco Bucci said...

Nice! Interesting process too. I don't think I've ever worked this way. It definitely looks like it leads to some non-cliche'd decisions.

Ryan said...

I like the one of tickle me elmo. Your tickling talent is amazing.

Unknown said...

wtf????? Im your lawyer huckleberry!!!! your a mad man..the rusty trombone is in full effect!

Jamin LeFave said...

Great job! I'll have to pick your brain about the process. I've tried a few of these but they don't turn out as well.

Artist_Grass- said...

Shape developement: excellantee. I love seeing this process of modeling. You really understand how to paint.

Did zac get you the 5 dollars for the other night? Sorry I should have had it and I told zac I would.

We'll have to do a trade sometime you helvetican acrobat