Sunday, June 03, 2007

Coffee house blue

I total feel like I have been so busy, with nothing to show for it. I went to a book store coffee place. You know these places. They look like a good place to draw, but when you get there every one knows you are drawing them and you become the creepy
guy in the corner checking every one out. Than looking down all fast when they catch you.


Unknown said...

i wish i could be invited to your stinkin coffee house drawin... I dont hate the player. I hate the game

I guess theres always trampolne sleepovers...

Rob James said...

Draw em up! You don't have to be creepy. You've gotta trick them. But yeah. . . it kinda bites when they know and start acting weird. That just makes me want to put them on the internet more.

Artist_Grass- said...

You man, mr persuit of happiness in action. aaron and i were talking about how cool it was to see you having success. you totally deserve it man.

good seeing you too. really good to hear value importance.

so the link is check his stuff out and buy a painting if you can because there going like hotcakes right now.


Collin Shepherd said...

dude these are nice sketches. Well i think my blog should show up on this so yeah.

Anonymous said...

hewy nice stuff lovin the mosnster in the bottom. yea i totaly know what you are talking about... when people notice that you are sketcing them. the infamous akward slince..... its aswome! anyways really nice stuff.

jess smart smiley said...

I have calf envy. Guys his age should not have such sexy calves!

Marco Bucci said...

I love these designs. Particularly that bottom alligator thing crossed with Pie Mae from Kill Bill.