Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

I did this painting for my mom for mothers day. I will post another version as soon as I can get a better photo. The photo reference was taken when she was 24 in Virginia City Nevada while panning for gold. I guess this was the type of place my parents would go on dates when they were first married. I haven't done a portrait like this in a long time and it felt good to make mistakes and mix paint again. I made myself mix these color charts for practice.
The first chart is the UGLY pallet (Titanium white, Yellow Ochre, Terra Rosa, Ivory Black).
The next chart is the Primary pallet, or Impressionist pallet (Cadmium Yellow Light, Alizarin Crimson, Thalo Blue).
The last Chart was the Primary Pallet with Iron Oxide Red in place of Alizarin Crimson.
It looks like boring stuff but I really like making these charts and experimenting with color pallets.


Rob James said...

Wow, I see a lot of resemblance to you now. You know, like family? I think it turned out rather nice.

Colour charts!

Dave McClellan said...

Dude, did you imply that your parents are a little strange because they panned for gold in the same post where you confessed that you make color charts for fun?

Andy Conroy said...

great painting dude! I dig it. And I thinks panning for gold is cool.

Tom Scholes said...

The painting has a real nice feel to it dude.

Also, Dave has a point :O

Brian Cutler said...

Wow! Painting color charts for fun?!? Dude, your OCD is showing. :)

But hey, nice portrait. You're a much better son than I could ever hope to be.

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning, all your work is actually.

Richtoon said...

Holy Crap!!! I haven't been here in a little while!! Wow!! Great stuff!! I am disapointed with the severe lack of stickman drawings... but we can't have everything, can't we?

Adam Ford said...

This turned out great Dillon! I love it!

Marcelo Braga said...

Really liked your blog! Great drawings, specially the figures drawings! Amazing.

SEILER said...

Beautiful painting, I'm sure she was thrilled . . . also, really nice work on this blog!

Sarah said...

I am particularly thrilled by your color charts!

Marco Bucci said...

VERY cool man! I live for this stuff. And great painting - very sound drawing happening here.

philip vose said...

HELLO TO YOU the heck are you homie? man, you're work looks great! HONESTLY! sorry i've been lame with talking to you and all. but let me just tell you.. me and jason joke around about some good inside jokes you came up with. fun times! anyways, hope you and your family are awesome. hope to talk to you soon, blood. cheers!

benjamin trobat -cartoonist- said...

great painting man!! cool palettes!

Ryan Wood said...

Terrific work, D!

Unknown said...

you make my jiggly bits dance!

i miss you my little dumplin

Kat said...

WORD!This is pretty good I guess. Are you kidding me! I bet this brought some tears! It was awesome seeing you and your cute little lady! I work downtown wed & thurs if you ever want to get together for lunch. Alexis has my number and I double dog dare you to call it!


Javi GarcĂ­a said...

Amazing stuff here man!, thanks for share your art!!